
Monday, 23 September 2013

21st century mess

Should students still use netbooks or use books and pencils?

In the world today people are turning normal things into digital products. Netbooks  are now mostly used by students in many schools. If people start to use digital items/products in the future companies will start to depend on digital products and jobs will start to drop in large amounts and this is why I strongly believe that we should continue to use pen and paper and these are my reasons.

   Firstly, we should use pen and paper and encourage other people to use pen and paper as well, is because if we start using digital items and products like netbooks, these products in the future would cost quantities of money to buy, and now that schools are starting to use netbooks, in the future principals will have to buy multiple digital items for the whole school, and because these products are expensive there will be no money left to afford sports gear and school trips & camps.

   Secondly, we should use pen and paper because recently there have been reports that students in university can’t write in their mother tongue. Using netbooks would make school students and even high school students  not spell anymore and it will be impossible to spell simple words like the days of the week. During 2010 when the netbooks had been brought to schools, the percentages of students failing in tests had dropped a large amount from 98% to almost less than 50% because of the majority use of netbooks.

   Lastly, we shouldn’t use netbooks because instead of using it to learn, most students play games and look at things they are not supposed to be looking at. Netbooks is another way to encourage kids, like students to not listen to their teachers and not learn. Children will get addicted to netbooks and want to start to use netbooks instead of pen and paper. These digital items/products that are supposed to be learning tools for school students are being taken advantage of, by school children for inappropriate sites.

    In this world of the 21st century, people especially schools are turning to the new world of wifi and internet, but in the olden days people used to just use pen and paper. Parents and also school teachers should think carefully about purchasing these new but unhelpful products for their kids or students or else they would be affected the most.


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